GPS track files
2025 Homer Epic GPX track file
GPS route files
2025 Homer Epic GPX route file
Printable map
Geospatial PDFs (for Avenza Maps app)
Read more on how to import custom Avenza Maps onto your smart phone here. Opening the printable map on a computer and scanning the QR codes for both the 50 and 100 km maps using the Avenza Map seems like the easiest way to go.
Track files show the footprint of the race, but they don’t indicate the direction you need to go like route files do. The route files include 250 consecutively numbered “route points” for the 50 km course but the Epic course doesn’t always follow a straight line between these points. (250 points per route seems to be a Garmin wearable device limitation). The spatial data in these files is correct to the best of our knowledge, but we cannot guarantee that they will work with your specific GPS unit.
GPX files are a common GPS data format. You may need to convert these files to make them compatible with your GPS unit.
There are over 600 trail markers along the course. These are wooden stakes painted with fluorescent orange or pink on top, marked with “EPIC” and a little reflective tape. If you do not see an Epic trail marker stake within a half-kilometer, you are probably going the wrong direction!
Please do not rely on only one navigation technique! The racer in front of you might have gone the wrong way, your GPS might not have loaded files correctly or a snowmachine may have run over the next Epic trail marker.